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Kubernetes Cluster setup on CentOS

Kubernetes Cluster setup on CentOS isn’t that difficult anymore as it used to be in the past where we had to perform some major OS changes in order to build a proper environment. In this short tutorial we will guide you step by step how to actually set up a simple Kubernetes Cluster based on CentOS 7.5 and Kubernetes 1.12.1. Exactly like any other cluster a Kubernetes Cluster must always have an odd number of nodes like 3, 5, 7 and so on but in this particular tutorial we will resume to use only 3 nodes, one master node and […]

Category: Docker | Published: 23/10/2018 | Updated: 02/10/2019

How to generate CSR in Linux

In this example we will explain how to generateĀ CSR in Linux using shell prompt or terminal window. A CSR is mostly required when you want to secure for example a website or a connection between one or more services that requires a secure connection. Any SSL issuer will always ask you to generate and present a CSR. We’ve chose CentOS for this Certificate Signing Request example as our main operating system. Required packages First step is to make sure that we have openssl and openssl-devel packages installed and updated in order to generate our very first CSR. The package manager […]

Category: Security | Published: 24/01/2018 | Updated: 05/11/2018